Sales and Marketing in hospitality, by virtue of its high pressure targets and role is generally one of the areas that has a very high turnover in human capital, this is primarily also because the rate of growth in hotels is not matched with the growth of experienced &qualified human resource for S&M.
Besides the hit and miss rate, the S&M function for any hotel, to put it lightly, is normally the fuel that allows any hotel to pay its bills and turn profits, so this LiveBean support service of S&M assumes even more significance.
We recognize the critical value of the Sales and Marketing department and its teams in the success of any hospitality project and as part of our support services, our team of Hospitality Sales and Marketing specialists make it their goal to ensure our clients business unit turn to their profit potential through easy and effective sales and marketing techniques.
- Be it a pre-opening stage where you may need us to come in for setting up your complete Sales and Marketing structure and processes
- Task force assistance to help set S&M systems and processes
- Lead your project with an interim DOSM or
- An existing operational hotel with its own set of Sales and Marketing troubleshooting needs (Audit and re-engineering)
We evaluate your projects opportunities, challenges and areas of immediate growth &customize a plan to advance your sales and marketing department, so that your hotel or resort can find enhanced revenue and profitability for the short, mid as well as long term.