
Daniel J Boorstin once said "Knowledge is not simply another commodity. On the contrary, Knowledge is never used up and it increases by diffusion and grows by dispersion"

Hospitality Asset Management in the time of COVID-19

Highlighting potential measures hospitality businesses need to implement to protect their assets during the global pandemic

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2016 World

The survival of many fish species depends on migrations up and down rivers.

Itb World Travel Trends Report

This ITB World Travel Trends Report 2016/17 was again commissioned by ITB Berlin from IPK International

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Vietnam

Despite the ever-increasing and unpredictable shocks from terrorist attacks and political instability

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Thailand

The right policy and investment decisions are only made with empirical evidence.

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Sub Saharan Africa

The United Nations has designated 2017 the International

STB Q4 2017 Tourism Sector Performance Report

The tourism sector saw good growth in Q1 2017.

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 South East Asia

Over the longer term, growth of the Travel & Tourism sector will continue to be strong so long 

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Singapore

Despite the ever-increasing and unpredictable shocks from terrorist attacks and political 

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Oman

The United Nations has designated 2017 the International Year

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Middle East

The outlook for the Travel & Tourism sector in 2017 remains robust and will continue to be 

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Malaysia

The right policy and investment decisions are only made with empirical evidence. 

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Kenya

For the sixth successive year, growth in Travel & Tourism outpaced that of the global economy (2.5%).

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Indonesia

Despite the ever-increasing and unpredictable shocks from terrorist attacks and political instability

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2015 Indonesia

Travel & Tourism’s impact on the economic and social development of a country can be enormous

Indonesia Benchmarking Report 2015

How does Travel & Tourism compare to other sectors? 

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 India

For over 25 years, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has been providing

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Hong Kong

The United Nations has designated 2017 the International Year of Sustainable 

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 China

The right policy and investment decisions are only made with empirical evidence.

Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2017 Asia Pacific

The right policy and investment decisions are only made with empirical evidence.

City Travel & Tourism Impact 2017 Asia Pacific

For over 25 years, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) has been quantifying

The Ant Philosophy
The Ant Philosophy

To never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go

Unravel the Indian Rope Trick
Unravel the Indian Rope Trick

An update on how to tackle India outbound market

The Evolving Revenue Manager
The Evolving Revenue Manager

A white paper on the changing role of Revenue managers in Hospitality

Hunter Vs Farmer
Hunter Vs Farmer

A Sales white paper on different type of tactics and skills of Hotel S&M

Positioning & the Art of War
Positioning & the Art of War

A sales and marketing white paper on changing trends

Singapore Tourism Report 2010 / 2011
Singapore Tourism Report 2010 / 2011

The latest tourism figures and market update report by the Singapore Tourism Board

World Economic Forum-Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011
World Economic Forum-Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2011

The latest tourism competitiveness report by country and region by the World Economic Forum

Livebean Investment Conf Jakarta Facilitation Presentation
Livebean Investment Conf Jakarta Facilitation Presentation

How operators could attract, retain and develop talent with increasing competitors and low available qualified resources?


This ITB World Travel Trends Report 2012-13 was again commissioned

The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013
The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2013

Reducing Barriers to Economic Growth and Job Creation

UNWTO Tourism Highlights
UNWTO Tourism Highlights

Tourism key to development, prosperity and well-being

The ASEAN Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2012
The ASEAN Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2012

Fostering Prosperity and Regional Integration

Indonesia Tourism Performance 2012
Indonesia Tourism Performance 2012

According the recent report published by WEF, Travel and Tourism

The changing face of Indonesian Hospitality
The changing face of Indonesian Hospitality

Indonesia has made remarkable progress since the 1998 economic

Indonesia records fastest 2013 Travel & Tourism growth of G20 countries
Indonesia records fastest 2013 Travel & Tourism growth of G20 countries

Indonesia grew its economic contribution from Travel & Tourism

World Tourism Highlights
World Tourism Highlights

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the United Nations’ agency

Indonesia: Tourism Performance 2013
Indonesia: Tourism Performance 2013

The world largest archipelago